Thanks Coach Campaign

Coaches are some of the most influential people and impact thousands of lives annually. Coaches spend countless hours helping and encouraging others. FCA has ministered to and through the Coach since 1954.  The mission today is to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.

What is the Goal?

Virginia FCA seeks to honor 1000 coaches and

raise $50,000 in designated funds annually to bless Coaches.

What saying thanks means.

Maybe you or a family member have been impacted by a Coach. You can honor them with a gift to help FCA  minister to and through coaches today.

Your gift helps these ministry initiatives:

  1. FCA Coach’s Bible for any coach.
  2. Workshops to equip coaches with Godly habits.
  3. Annual Coaches & Spouses Marriage Retreat

Coaches Impact!

“Coach Shealy loved me

unconditionally while I was at the University of Richmond and

guided me in my faith walk.”

Coach Mike London,

William & Mary Football

“When I was in middle school, a coach instructed me how to live by God’s game plan in the Bible. That’s how I live, and coach now.”

Coach Tony Bennett,

University of Virginia Basketball

Say Thanks Coach in Two Steps:

Step One Complete the form below so FCA can acknowledge the Coach you are honoring with your donation.  We will do this by posting your coach's name and your message on our VA Coaches Hall of Fame page, (coming soon).

In addition if you can share your coach's address, we will also send a card to the Coach sharing that a gift was made by you to honor them.  FCA will share your message but no gift amount with the Coach. If you do not know the Coach’s address, skip that field below.

Thanks Coach Honor submission form

Step Two Visit our secure MyFCA donation page to complete the gift. Click the button below.  You can share a monthly commitment or one-time gift to the Thanks Coach campaign. You will receive an email receipt.  (Clicking the button below will open a new webpage).

For any questions please email Susan Marks or Kara Schmidt the VA FCA Admins.

You can also download and share the Thanks Coach Flier with others.

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